What is Permaculture?
Permaculture is a method of working which aims to create
sustainable systems by following nature's patterns.
Permaculture can best be described as a nature simulating
ethical design system applicable to food production and land use, the building of communities and industrial system design.
It seeks the creation of productive and sustainable ways of living by integrating ecology, landscape, organic principles, architecture, industry and agroforestry. However the focus is not on these elements themselves, but rather on the relationships created among them by the way they are placed together and interact; the whole then becoming greater than the sum of its parts or synergetic.
Permaculture also utilises the careful and contemplative observation of nature and natural systems, and of recognising universal patterns and principles, then learning to apply these 'ecological truisms' to one's own circumstances.
The core values or principles of permaculture then are
1) Earthcare, that we recognise that the Earth is our valuable home and we are a part of the Earth, not apart from it;
2) Peoplecare, that we need to support and help each other develop to our full potential as well as develop healthy societies and
3) Fairshares, a view that everyone is a stakeholder so it's important that we ensure that we recognise that the resources we have are cared for and need to be utilised and re-invested in ways that are equitable and wise.
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