Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are the areas that Free State Projects needs
volunteer assistance in?
A. We are open to your suggestions. Although we are officially a registered co-operative, the frameworks for our health, education, art, culture, tourism, agricultural (permaculture), complementary currency and building projects still need people. We are always looking for existing organisations to harness like worthy foundations like lutw.com and laptop.org so South Africans can start benefitting!
Q. Is the Free State Projects doing any projects in the Free State now?
A. No, we are active in the cities and finding funding as well as letting all our volunteers flow towards the areas that they would like to assist in. We have self assembled our general organisational structure, the online collaboration system and a better mailing list and are still looking at funding, university support, several spin off co-operative run for-profit projects, and other general things. This list is expected to grow and I suppose will serve as the to-do list that something to volunteer on can be chosen from. We are not yet active in the rural areas we want to be in.
Q. How many FSP volunteers are there?
A. Around 150, core team is 5. Please enquire about helping out! :)
Q. How can I get involved or some more info on the co-operative?
A. Email us if you want to volunteer or more info, please click on the "Contribute" page.
Q. How does the wiki part of the website work?
A. This sub-system crashed/was hacked with the loss of all data and has not yet been restarted. A big thank-you to the people who contributed, especially for the poems "Magick" and "Life is a Celebration".
Q. Is there more information on the logo?
A. Please click on any star to reach its info page.