How does permaculture work? - Page II
Ok so reading the open book that is nature and applying
the lessons within seems like a good start, but what else?
Here's a quick summary of the conceptual tools available in
that design toolkit.
The O'BREDIM design methodology which states :
Observation, Boundaries, Resources, Evaluation, Design,
Implementation, and Maintenance.
Observation allows you to first see how the site functions within itself, to gain an understanding of its initial relationships. Boundaries refer to physical ones as well as to those your neighbours might place on you, for example. Resources would include the people involved, funding, the space you have available as well as what you can grow or produce in the future.
Evaluation of the first three will then allow you to prepare for the next three. This is a careful phase of taking stock of what you have at hand to work with.
Design is always a creative and intensive process, and you must stretch your ability to see possible future synergetic relationships. Implementation is literally the ground-breaking part of the process when you carefully dig and shape the site. Maintenance is then required to keep your site at a healthy optimum, making minor adjustments as necessary. Good design will preclude the need for major adjustments.
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