How does permaculture work? - Page V
So maximising these three is an important skill
because when they are used productively they tend
to produce a second and a third type of resource.
The first type of resource is the more usual one
found today, one that is depleted when used and
only re-created by a slow natural process.
The second type of resource is a steady sort which is unaffected by use. You can look at a beautiful view all day and it really doesn't affect the view. Of course views must be considered resources first but who could really argue that beautiful views have no value? Sunlight is another example of this type of resource
Then the third type of resource is of a totally different sort in that it increases as you use it or, particularly quick turnover resources, it decreases if you don't use them. Annual grass is a good example. If not used, the amount of annual grass in the system's resource network decreases. It's a case of use it or lose it. This type of resource tends to increase their usefulness through interaction, becoming more useful than if they were only used in isolation.
A good balance of these three resources in a system tends to lend stability and dynamism to that system.
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