How does permaculture work? - Page IX
So permaculture has something to say about economics too
eh? Interesting... Lets look at one final crucial
consideration, which is the use of:
Generally, applying these values to the real world means using fewer non-renewable sources of energy, particularly petroleum based forms of energy. However, using less fossil fuel energy is about more than just combating global warming or pollution. Food production should be a fully renewable system; but current agricultural systems are not. Industrial agriculture requires large amounts of petroleum, both to run the equipment and to supply fertilisers and pesticides. Permaculture creates renewable systems of food production that rely upon minimal amounts of energy.
For example permaculture focuses on maximizing the use of trees and perennial food crops because they are a more efficient and long term use of energy than seasonal crops. A farmer saves the energy of replanting and can use it elsewhere.
Briefly, traditional pre-industrial production was labor intensive, industrial production is fossil fuel intensive and permaculture is information intensive. Permaculture is about working smarter, not harder; and when possible the energy used should come from renewable options such as wind power, passive solar, tidal power, or biofuel sources.
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